Thursday, August 1, 2013


It is with the most joyful of spirit that I announce we are PREGNANT!  Such a surreal feeling.  I cheated this Saturday and took a home pregnancy test and for the first time EVER it came back positive!  We were absolutely over the moon when we saw it.  Of course we called all of our family members (at 6:30 am) to share the news.  What a wonderful day.  My official appointment with my doctor was yesterday.  They drew my blood at 9am and said I would hear back before 4pm.  What a long day it felt like waiting for the call to come through!  Finally at 3:45 my doctor called and said "you are definitely pregnant!"  Apparently my HCG levels were very high.  It is fair to speculate that this result may be twins.  WOW!  My Doctor did not tell me that, however, im blessed to have an Aunt who has already gone through this process and shared with me that her HCG numbers were even 500 less than mine and she has twins.  So....we will wait to see what God provides.  Our first Ultra Sound is on August 12th.  That is when we will see the baby or possible babies.  Im just overjoyed.  I find myself worrying a lot however.  Its like we have finally arrived at this place we have been praying about for years and now im filled with worry.  Maybe that's the first step in becoming a mother :)  It makes me smile just thinking about the amazing opportunity to be a Mother.  So, my plan of attack for my worries is to remember that this life is all in God's hands.  I also say to myself "Peace be with you."  It stops me dead im track of worry.  I want to thank everyone who has been following my story and supporting us through this process.  It definitely has not been a lonely road and I owe that to you all.  xoxoxoxoxo

Monday, July 22, 2013

The Babies are in!

So, last Friday was my transfer day.  We placed 2 good quality embryos.  Im staying positive and trying to be as healthy as I can.  I speak out to the universe every day "thank you for these babies" as if they are already here.  The procedure itself went very well.  We started with a 30 minute round of acupuncture.  I was referred by a friend and the Dr. has his walls covered in "success stories".  It was very inspirational to see all the baby faces and know that he had something to do with it.  From there we headed to my Doctor in Newport Beach.  I was accompanied by my Sister and Mother in Law.  Its always a boost in these emotional times to have loved ones with you.  The transfer went as planned and then we headed home for 3 days of bed rest.  My mom joined my sister and I and we watched TV for DAYS....literally.  Its a good thing we all love to lounge.  They spoiled me and I am so grateful they were there.  Now today I am back at work.  Im feeling sluggish and a bit out of it.  Its a lot like PMS.  Im not upset about anything so I am blaming it on the meds.  My progesterone was just increased so that may have to do with it.  I will go into the Doctors office for a pregnancy test on Wednesday July 31st at 8am.  Im very hopeful and optimistic.  I received lots of calls and text messages wishing me well and saying prayers.  Im so grateful for those.

Thursday, July 11, 2013

The Countdown Continues...

Today is July 11th so we are 8 days from transfer next Friday!  Woo hoo!  Another celebration is aunt flow came this weekend!  I feel more calm now knowing she has come and gone so we can move on with the process.  I went to see my doctor yesterday.  They did blood work and an ultra sound to check the lining of my uterus.   Doc says all looks great and I'm responding perfectly to the medication.  That was so awesome to hear.  So, next time I see her will be next Friday at my appointment to transfer the two embryos.

She asked me again about how many eggs we want to transfer.  I told her 2 but I am concerned about the possibility of miscarriage and early labor.  Since the beginning of this process the hubs and I have wanted to transfer 2.  The first transfer we did the Doc only recommended 1 so of course we went with her advice.  This time she is supportive of the choice to transfer two. There are just so many things to consider and I try not to be consumed by it.  If we get two, that will be such a blessing.  We would be ecstatic with one as well, at this point we just want a healthy baby in our arms.

This week I have started getting bad stomach aches.  The medicine I am on does say you can have GI problems so I'm guessing that is what it is.  If I eat a medium/small sized meal I walk away feeling extremely bloated and like I ate a cow.  Its not so fun.  Im still very tired as well.  But nothing I cant handle.

So I'm going to continue focusing on relaxing this week and get some good rest.

Friday, July 5, 2013

4th of July Bonanza

Happy belated 4th of July!  I had such a great day yesterday.  Enjoyed a pool party/BBQ with my family and close friends.  It was so nice just hanging around the pool and stuffing my face.  Then we went back to the house for some relaxation and Disneyland fireworks.  I gotta say, the finale this year was terrible!  I hate to be negative but we seriously thought there was no way it was over cause the finale was so short!  The rest of the show was great of course.  Just expecting a bigger ending.

On Tuesday of this week I visited the Dentist.  I have read that it is very important to get your oral hygiene in check before pregnancy.  I had a deep cleaning on the left side of my mouth and three filings.  My gums STILL hurt!  That was my first deep cleaning.  I do not recommend it.  I had to get one because the last few years I did not get my yearly cleaning.  Just another side effect of trying to get pregnant.  All my focus was on that and I just did not make my teeth a priority.  So, I still have some teeth work and a cleaning on my right side to finish hopefully before the 19th.

As for my recent health, I have still been feeling tired.  I am still waiting for AF to come visit.  I stopped my BCP on the 25th so it has been 9 days or so now.  I think my meds may be messing up my cycle.  Im really not sure.  I told my nurse and she says its ok.  My worry is the delay in AF my delay my transfer date.  We will just have to wait and see what happens.  I did take a pregnancy test just in case.....and it was negative.  So, that is why I think it must be the meds.  If all goes to plan I am 14 days out from my transfer and 25 days away from my pregnancy test.  Praying all goes well and we get our first positive test result ever.

I have remained feeling very hopeful and optimistic.  Still trying not to get a head of myself and stay in the present.

Ecclesiastes 3:1-8
There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven:
a time to be born and a time to die,
a time to plant and a time to uproot,
a time to kill and a time to heal,
a time to tear down and a time to build,
a time to weep and a time to laugh,
a time to mourn and a time to dance,
a time to scatter stones and a time to gather them,
a time to embrace and a time to refrain,
a time to search and a time to give up,
a time to keep and a time to throw away,
a time to tear and a time to mend,
a time to be silent and a time to speak,
a time to love and a time to hate,
a time for war and a time for peace.

Praying this is our time :)

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Back from Vacation

Well im back from a short trip to Havasu with family and friends.  Of course the weekend we decided to go was unusually hot at 121 degrees!  Yowza!  It was great to get away and have some fun.  I decided to refrain from alcohol consumption.  Im just too concerned with my body right now to actively poison it.

Yesterday I did some research into the "Mediterranean Diet".  Some studies show it can be beneficial to the IVF process.  If you know me at all then you know I consume insane amounts of carbs on a daily basis.  I have found that this is not recommended in general (LOL) and most certainly not when you are going through the IVF process.  SO, I hit up Sprouts yesterday for my second time ever.  I found some great products and am very excited to try some new recipes.  Last night I made shrimp tacos with green sauce.  It was delish!  And surprisingly, I was not bloated or feeling extra full when I was done.  It was a great feeling.  While I was at Sprouts, a nice young cashier was helping me check out.  She complimented my shirt (cause Im so fly of course) and so began a light conversation.  I mentioned I was changing my diet to increase my chances of getting pregnant.  She said she too had been off BCP (birth control pills) and nothing has happened.  At the end of our meeting as I began to pay she abruptly typed in some numbers on her register and swiped a card attached to a lanyard she was wearing.  She then proceeded to tell me that she gave me her employee discount and she hopes it will bring me good luck.  HOW SWEET IS THAT!?  It just warmed my heart that she was so kind to a complete stranger.  Im going to take that little blessing and put it in my back pocket.  I can use all the blessings I can get.

Physically I have been feeling great for the most part.  Just been tired most of the time.  I increased my estrogen today so we will see if I have any side effects from that.  Hoping all continues as planned and we can transfer 2 frosty's on July 19th.

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Cause I gotta have FAITH!!

I was responding to a blog post from a fellow IVF patient.  She also had a failed fresh transfer on her first time.  It reminded me of late February when my hubs and I decided it was time to move forward with IVF.  We had to do a lot of soul searching before we were prepared to enter into such a "drastic" course of action.  Of course, we prayed, A LOT.  We finally felt like this was what the Lord wanted us to do. After we made the decision, I felt like if we tried IVF the result would be pregnancy.  Like, ok, we have made this HUGE decision and now we will get what we have been trying for.  Unfortunately for us, that was not the result....yet.  So now, when I pray, I only pray for what is in front of me.  I pray that on July 19th, these little eggies will stick to me and begin to grow and blossom into a healthy pregnancy with a final result of healthy babies in our arms.  I have noticed that when I get ahead of myself and say, "if this doesnt work..." it just makes me sad and worried.  If I just stay on today, and the blessings that are promised to me, I can stay positive.

Matthew 21:22 And whatever you ask in prayer, you will receive, if you have faith.”

It actually makes me tear up reading those words, because I have so much faith that they are true.  Faith is all you can hold on to in a time like this.  You try and try and try and you just have not yet received what you have prayed for. I feel so blessed to have family and friends around me that are so inspirational.  They dont let me sit for one moment and be sad, they are constantly encouraging me and telling me THIS IS HIS PLAN.  It really makes me feel so full of strength.
So today I will hold on to my faith, smile, and enjoy my fresh homemade tuna and wheat thins :)

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Taco Tuesday!

Hello world!  Its Taco Tuesday!  One of my favorite days of the week.  So yesterday I was very tired.  I ended up falling asleep at 7!  That is crazy early for me.  The hubs had to wake me up to give me my shot.  Luckily, I was not grumpy when I woke up from my early slumber.  Im just one of those people that are not a happy camper when awoken from a nice nap.  Today im feeling good.  Need to start weening myself off of caffeine again.  Gotta make my body a happy place for these eggs to implant!  And of course, no more alcohol pretty soon.  Which, since I don't drink much you would think would not be that big of a deal, but, in reality sucks!  LOL.  Im such a control freak that I get upset at the fact that I cant have the alcohol.  Its pretty silly.  But, believe me, I will do whatever is necessary to make a baby.  I want to be a Mom so bad.  And I cant wait to see my hubs become a Dad.  I think it will make him the happiest he has ever been.

Time to sign off for now.  Have a great day!

Monday, June 24, 2013

Day One

Well here goes nothing :).  My husband and I have been trying to conceive for 3 years.  In April we tried our first round of IVF.  It was unsuccessful.  The positive was we have 14 frozen eggs to continue trying with.  We just began our new protocol for a frozen embryo transfer.  Basically, we do lots of needles and pills for about a month.  Then on July 19th, God willing, we will transfer 2 embryos.  There is a lot that goes through your mind during this process.  Mostly I think God has been so great to me in my life, everyone has a struggle of some kind, and I guess this is mine.  I pray almost everyday about it, and sometimes more than once.  I have great faith that this is the Lords plan for my husband and I.  We just have to stay patient and diligent.  So if it fits your fancy, check in on this blog from time to time and see how we are doing!  Hopefully you will see great news!!  We love to hear other peoples stories and appreciate any encouragement you would like to share.  Now I'm off to have a Turkey sand which.  Nom Nom.  Happy Monday!